This project will explore contemporary activism, as practiced by young South Australians (18 to 25 years old) who identify as women. It will include a diverse range of subjects and causes.
The project has various opportunities for individuals to participate. These include
- Writing for the Centre of Democracy’s blog
- Short features on the Centre of Democracy’s social media channels
- An exhibition featuring up to 6 individuals
- Floor talks and panel discussions at the Centre of Democracy for various events, including during South Australia’s History Festival
This project might be right for you If you:
- Identify as an activist, or consider what you do as making a difference
- Are passionate about what you do
- Are happy to share your story with a public audience
- Are happy to speak at public events
- Are confident in your writing ability
- Are happy to be photographed
- Can commit time to sharing your story and working on the project
- Are open to learning from and sharing with other participants throughout the process
Why only women?
This project is designed to fit within a suite of activities celebrating 125 years since legislation was passed in South Australia, making South Australia’s colonial parliament the first one in Australia to give women, including Aboriginal women, the vote. This decision later helped to secure votes for women after the Australian colonies federated however the 1901 Constitution of the Australian Commonwealth and following Franchise Act 1902 stripped indigenous people of their right to vote in federal elections.
This exhibition will encourage visitors to look back to the campaign in the nineteenth century that brought about this progressive step by reflecting on and exploring its legacy and future today.
Why only young activists?
Millennials often get a bad rap. Activism has changed radically in the digital age. Young people are still active activists, but in ways that some older generations may not see or recognise as forms of activism. This exhibition aims to document new activist modes, and provide ways for ‘seasoned’ activists to understand more about contemporary change-makers.
For more information please contact Craig Middleton, Curator Centre of Democracy on (08) 8207 7587 or
To submit an expression of interest please download the call for participation and send to
Call for Participation has been extended until SUNDAY 6 JANUARY.